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TOP-RATED FREELANCER ⭐5.0 STAR PRO ⭐MULTIPLE SATISFIED CLIENTS ⭐MORE THAN 90% OF JOB SUCCESS RATE ⭐ 6 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE I am a proficient, self-motivated Virtual Accountant and Virtual Assistant with excellent skill and successful experience. I have a great knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping as I have done many projects on it along with my education on Masters in Commerce. Here is what I can do for my valued clients: 1. New Company Setup (Chart of Accounts) 2. Journalising 3. Invoicing and Billing 4. A/R and A/P Management 5. Payroll Management 6. Management Reporting 7. UK, US, and Australian VAT 8. Integration of Apps with QuickBooks 9. E-Commerce Accounting (Amazon, Shopify, eBay) 10. Usage of Quickbooks tools for automated accounting

Rizwan Sharif

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